Thousands of 15 year old ‘Boys’ were trained in HMS St Vincent , Gosport Hampshire between 1926 and 1968. I was one of the survivors! 15 months of unbelievable experiences, described as ‘Heaven or Hell’ depending on your background. A lighthearted PowerPoint presentation using professional photographs and including music and sing a longs! 45 minutes of mirth and culture, you know it makes sense! My 35 year career culminating in a visit to the Palace for a ‘Blue Peter Badge’ with be briefly touched upon.
Views: 708 | Enquiries: 335 years lower deck career in Royal Navy. Joined as a 15 year old Boy, left as a 50 year old geriatric! Saw the world in the 60s and 70s. Involved in the ‘82 Falklands War. Honoured with MBE and MSM in 90s.
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