Hearing Loss and Tinnitus Talk

Rose Newcombe

RNID - Royal National Institute for Deaf People
South West
Notice Period:
Short (maybe less than one month's notice)
11th May 2023

Do you have hearing loss or tinnitus or know someone who does?

Not sure what to do about it? We can come to your group/community to talk you through information and advice on how to deal with your hearing loss or how to help a loved one! We can also provide online presentations remotely for your audience.

  • See what RNID is doing for you in your community!
  • Get advice on assistive equipment that could help!
  • Talk about your own personal, lived-experience with like-minded people!
  • Understand how to get the best out of your hearing aids!
  • Realise you are not on your own!
Views: 621 | Enquiries: 7

About Rose Newcombe

I work for RNID bringing support & information about hearing loss to your community!

I manage a team of volunteers who run sessions across the whole of Devon & Cornwall - these sessions include:

Hearing aid maintenance sessions where we can fix smaller issues with your hearing aids without having to make an appointment at hospital/audiology. We can help with retubing, cleaning, providing batteries etc.

Information sessions where we provide the most up-to-date support and information to help you and your loved ones with hearing loss and the struggles it can bring.

We can come to your group/company to provide free hearing checks to members/staff.

We can also come to your group/community to talk you through information and advice on how to deal with your hearing loss or how to help a loved one!

For more information, email: heartohelp.devonandcornwall@rnid.org.uk

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