THE MELTING POT: Spitalfields

David Williams SpeakerNet Sponsor

East of England
Notice Period:
Short (maybe less than one month's notice)
2nd May 2023

This area bordering the City of London has seen changes in the culture and lifestyle over the centuries which was highlighted by the Jewish writer Israel Zingwall in his remarkable play, The Melting Pot. The people that have often settled here over the centuries - Huguenots, Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews, refugees from France and Holland, German, Swedish and now the Bengalis - have brought their religion and language which has given the area a unique character. Today it is an area that attracts entrepreneurs in the fashion, media and technology industries.

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About David Williams

I am a registered City of London guide-lecturer, historian and Freeman of the City. My early career was working on local newspapers as a Sports Journalist before progressing to become a freelance sportswriter, specialising in football reporting for the Sunday Mirror.

Then I went into the film and TV industry joining Pathe Pictorial as an scriptwriter. Following on from there I became a documentary film producer working on films for the BBC, the Armed Forces, private industry and Government departments. This involved travelling extensively from Australia to the Arctic , to several European countries, the Middle and Far East and the Falkland Islands. I finally retired after 35 years with a lot of experiences - good, bad, frustrating and funny.

I have a BA (Hons) in History (Birkbeck, London) and went on to get Masters' degrees at De Montfort University (Sport History and Culture) and a second Masters (Heritage Studies) at the University of East London.

I have been a speaker on Cruise Ships, edited magazines and lecture regularly to History Groups, Genealogy Societies, U3As, Probus Clubs as well as leading guided tours around London.

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