Judy Karbritz

London, Hertfordshire
Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
Paid: £80
12th April 2023

Peppered with anecdotes about the man who invited Maud into the garden and the Bronte siblings (including Branwell, the original Graduate) who were outlived by their hypochondriac father

Views: 527 | Enquiries: 2

About Judy Karbritz

Judy Karbritz is Harrow's Community Poet and writes regular columns for the Harrow Times and Barnet Borough Times. She has broadcast on LBC and local BBC radio and performed in amateur dramatics. She has been giving entertaining talks for twenty years and performs locally and regularly speaks on cruise ships. Judy is an established and popular speaker for the Women’s Institutes, U3A, Probus and rotary clubs, charity and black tie events, Luncheon Clubs and various local groups and societies all over London. Her talks are fun, light-hearted, informative and hugely enjoyable. All of Judy's talks are PowerPoint. If you would like Judy's full list of over forty talks, please contact her via Speakernet.

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