'Oh Yes It Is' - The history of the English Pantomime

Jim Stebbings

East of England
Notice Period:
Short (maybe less than one month's notice)
Probus, WI etc
Paid: £60 plus expenses unless local. Zoom £50
2nd February 2023

For many families, a visit to a pantomime over the Christmas period has equal importance to the Christmas celebrations as the Christmas Tree, Christmas Pudding and the kiss under the mistletoe. For may children, the panto is likely to be their first visit to the theatre, be it one of the professional productions that appear at many theatres or the one of the thousands of amateur productions that take place in many towns and cities across the nation. They will expect to find the traditional elements of cross dressing, audience participation, song, dance and comedy. Lost to most will be the history and surprising background to this typically English form of entertainment whose beginnings can be traced back many centuries to other parts of Europe. All will be revealed in this informative and entertaining talk illustrated with many slides.

Views: 1160 | Enquiries: 33

About Jim Stebbings

I am a retired professional businessman with a life-long interest in the theatre, and in particular the musical theatre. I now consider myself a music historian with particular interest and expertise in the music and lives of Gilbert and Sullivan and the American songwriters of the 20th century and whose compositions make up what is commonly called The Great American Songbook. As a result of my work on these subjects I have developed a number of other talks that all relate to each other in some way.

My talks are illustrated with the use of projector, screen, music and speakers. Each presentation is designed for 50-60 mins.

My website. www.jimstebbingspublicspeaker.co.uk

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