The Journey of how a run down and overgrown Cemetery won within a few years a Southern England in bloom award. Also includes Natural Burial area which became a wildlife haven. First In the Industry to win a Green Apple Award for Environmental sustainability.
Views: 518 | Enquiries: 120 + yrs working in Local Government. Last role - Cemeteries Manager who took a run down service which became Award Winning Nationally Regionally and Locally.
Funeral Celebrant - experience of officiating at Funerals from Baron - Bikers
Spoken at Cranfield University to corporate funeral conference (also spoken in other venues and abroad). Hosted and spoke to all mayors of Hampshire. Written articles for National Funeral Magazine and recorded six half hour programmes on local radio ( the radio host said I was the most interesting person he had ever interviewed).
Experience of Public Speaking in UK and abroad
Also other life experiences - see Talks
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