Early Medieval Lincoln and Surrounding area

sophie kinsley

Colonia Heritage
East Midlands
Notice Period:
Short (maybe less than one month's notice)
Professional Historian
Paid: 60
5th January 2023

This talk looks at early medieval Lincoln and the areas surrounding using a variety of mediums from photography to sketches and drawn images. The talk gives you a brief tour and overview of what Lincoln and surrounding area could have looked like during the period.

Views: 523 | Enquiries: 3

About sophie kinsley

I have spent the last 20+years studying and working in the history and heritage sector and have gathered a significant quantity of knowledge about a broad area of subjects.

My Specialism is Military History focusing on WW1 trench warfare and the tank, WW2 Axis forces and military technology.

My secondary subjects do include Roman Lincoln as well Early and Late Medieval Lincoln and Lincolnshire.

My catalogue of available talks is growing each year as I am able to write them, and I am always open to discussion around my specialist subject areas.

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