Visual impairment

sharon rushworth

Yorkshire & Humber
Notice Period:
Regular (more than one month's notice)
Professional and Charity
Unknown: £40 plus travel expenses
Life Skills
31st December 2022

How is your world impacted when you lose your sight?

Looking at all age groups; children, teenagers, adults and elderly, this talk explores how to move forward positively to a new way of living.

The talk uses positive and thought provoking stories to illustrate real situations, gained from working in this field with hundreds of blind and partial sighted people.

I was Centre Manager developing activities for visually impaired, enriching their world for a number of years.

Hear about the driving instruction, visits to theatres and holidays - including taking visually impaired children to Euro Disney. Short breaks for youth; abseiling, rock climbing and canoeing- sight loss did not deter them.

Views: 415 | Enquiries: 1

About sharon rushworth

My background is 20 years experience in l bereavement work, over 40 years experience as a Registered Social Worker and 15 years a teacher/trainer, I was Director of a Healthy Living Centre for 19 years.

My work involved public speaking around the Country at; The House of Lords, Birmingham NEC, Bradford City Hall, Nottingham University Conference and at the Tavistock Medical Practitioners conference.

I particularly enjoy speaking at Community Group sessions. My work In community groups has been motivational, working with secondary school pupils, parents and older people.

My delivery is a relaxed style, with humour and learning. I weave into my talks true stories, to illustrate my message of positivity in the most difficult of circumstances.

Subject areas
visual impairment, bereavement/loss and the other side of planning a funeral.

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