Go with the vibes

Keith Harmon

Notice Period:
Short (maybe less than one month's notice)
Paid: £75
29th December 2022
Holistic Health

An interesting talk with audience participation. An introduction to energy and dowsing for health. How to use crystals and various ways to help with health problems.

Views: 452 | Enquiries: 0

About Keith Harmon

I have been giving talks on dowsing and teaching dowsing for over 20 years. In this time I have travelled widely including giving talks and teaching dowsing in many of the American States. I have been told that my talk is more of an entertainment than a straight talk as it includes humour and audience participation. The audience members are given out dowsing rods and can try many of the dowsing techniques I use when out on a job. The talk is illustrated and gives you an insight to just some of the many ways that dowsing can be used besides finding water such as archaeology, gardening, health etc. Although living to the West of London I am willing to travel to give my talk called "Just Divine."

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