Gardens for Taking the Waters - British Spa Landscape 1600-2022

Karen Emery SpeakerNet Sponsor

Canterbury & South England Tourguide
Notice Period:
Short (maybe less than one month's notice)
Paid: 95.00
6th August 2024

A strong tradition of health tourism at spa resorts in continental Europe has identified the ‘Kurpark’ and ‘Kurgarten’ (spa parks and spa gardens), as a subtype in garden history, in which the planted environment is an integral part of the visitor experience, an important element of ‘the cure’. This talk considers the parks, gardens and avenues directly associated with ‘taking the waters’ in British spa locations, identifying what remains long after medicinal spa visiting has declined to almost zero in this country. Illustrated with selected – and sometimes surprising – examples from England, Scotland and Wales, it will also consider the extent to which remaining spa landscapes are acknowledged and portrayed as important aspects of spa heritage. As modern spas have morphed into facilities offering pampering and relaxation rather than medicinal water treatments, the talk will present the design of a 21st Century spa garden, recognising a continuity of intent in the creation of green spaces with therapeutic value.

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About Karen Emery

Resident in Herne Bay, a Victorian seaside town in Kent, I am an educator, having taught in schools, colleges and running a prison education department. For the last 10 years I have worked as a professional ITG qualified Tour Guide in South East England. My enthusiasm for nature and history have led to an MA in Garden and Landscape History and I have published a book 'Spa Parks of England'. I am also a trustee of the Kent Gardens Trust.

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