Drank drove my way to oblion, 2points from brain-death but proved specialist and professionals wrong all through past 20 years. He is meant to remain on this earth. A quote from professional support/friend, "think your here to teach". Much taught, ya will not think or behave the same after witnessing this.
Views: 556 | Enquiries: 0Once a boy had a disanterous accident, which he observes the whole world still partaking in the facilitating factor. He has proven he owns the most powerful tool to drive his message home. Along with everything he has learnt since this proving and he campaigns in his own unique way for acceptance.
Brain-damage recovery, society, disability, biases and micro-aggressions we all do, reality and denial, truth and belief, destiny and fate.
Want to assist a world, enhance a world.
The main message is safe driving, anti drink/drug driving and speeding but also includes reality and creation, society and societal-bias and micro-aggressions, mind and survival instinct, disability - is this really accepted non-judgementally, parenting from a non-parent, loneliness and societal barriers plus more, all with a mystical over-tone and difficult lessons learnt. Including one of the most powerful deferrals- a partly disabled man with limitless stories of his life and education. Now middle aged, his stories date 35years ago, thing is, as he incorporates, the affects still are with the adult. As an accident survivor who was 2points away from brain-death, he has told of secluded years and mystical encounters and degradation that was a catalist to sometimes never maturing at all.
biography: Factor1: He had eczema from infancy and as he grew this affected his confidence and social interaction.
Factor2; As a child he suffered mental torture, until 21, when he had the accident. Also relocated an extreme ammount so did not form close friendship since schoolage.
Factor3: He relocated lots and lots.
Factor4; Drink drove his way into A-coma and unconscious for 6weeks.
Factor5: Disability and society and advantage takers and innocent, good intended people with their patronising ways and affects.
Factor6; Rehab and Neuro-Psychological tussle.
Factor7: Reality.
End: Search for work and why I am doing this. Used to public speak 15years ago made telly, papers and radio lots of times. Jd. R
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