The story behind the legendary meeting in Africa in 1871 between the missing explorer Dr David Livingstone and the ambitious news reporter Henry Morton Stanley. How their meeting proved to be the newspaper scoop of the century, bringing Stanley world fame and notoriety; the widespread controversy, hostility and personal ridicule Stanley faced on his return to Europe and America after finding Livingstone; why their meeting was such a sensational news story – and why Stanley's four words became the most famous greeting in history.
Testimonials include:
‘Fran’s lecture on Livingstone and Stanley was a veritable tour de force, shedding light on the story from so many different perspectives, but with a marvellous lightness of touch. Everyone was gripped from start to finish.’ Graham Bartram, LANCASTER AND MORECAMBE U3A
‘Thank you for another very interesting lecture last Wednesday. You certainly could not have packed-in more information into an hour’s talk! I’m sure that most of the audience were (like me) almost totally ignorant of the lead-up to the encounter between Stanley and Livingstone, so you gave us an “educational” lecture in the best sense – both informative and interesting.’ John Beynon, Chairman, RETIRED MEMBERS SURREY
‘Your talk was very well received by a large audience. Thanks again for a very interesting and informative talk which changed our view on Livingstone and Stanley.’ Paul Weller, Speakers Secretary, KENILWORTH U3A
‘Thanks for your superb presentation today. Lots of people made very positive comments, such as “The talk was both informative and highly entertaining”.' Mike West, LANCHESTER ASSOCIATION, COVENTRY
‘Thank you so much for your very interesting talk about Stanley and Livingstone. Several members have told me how much they enjoyed your talk and how little they all knew about Stanley – what a character. Just a couple of the comments: “What an enthusiastic speaker”; “Fantastic talk”; “That was a super talk Fran Sandham gave – so informative & interesting – he's a very engaging speaker.”’ Sue Mayne, Speaker Secretary, MARLOW U3A
‘Thank you for a brilliant talk on Stanley and Livingstone yesterday. Not only did I thoroughly enjoy it, but everyone I spoke to after our meeting was full of praise for your talk.’ Glynis Evans, Chair, LEA VALLEY U3A
‘I thoroughly enjoyed your talk on Stanley and Livingstone yesterday.’ Carol White, Speaker Secretary, RADCLIFFE ON TRENT U3A
‘Thanks so much for your talk on Stanley and Livingstone yesterday. It was most fascinating and the feedback was very positive.’ Brian Hinners, Speaker secretary, SOAR VALLEY U3A
‘An impressive talk on Stanley and Livingstone, both detailed and entertaining.’ BURY ST EDMUNDS U3A
‘Fran gave us the fascinating history of two famous 19th century pioneers, Dr Livingstone, who was looking for the source of the Nile, and Henry Morton Stanley, who was looking for Dr Livingstone. It was a very exciting tale, told with much enthusiasm and humour.’ SOUTHPORT U3A
‘Your talk on Stanley and Livingstone was very much enjoyed. I could see people were very engaged, and I, for one, learnt a lot about those two characters.’ Rosemary Woodward-Court, Speaker Secretary, PRINCES RISBOROUGH U3A
‘Your talk on Stanley and Livingstone was just amazing and much appreciated – thank you so much.’ Tess Powell, Speaker Secretary, HAMMERSMITH & FULHAM U3A
‘A very interesting talk on Dr Livingstone’. Sheila Wilder, Speakers Secretary, WELWYN-HATFIELD U3A
‘I have had lots of feedback regarding your talk on Stanley and Livingstone, and all of it good. Result!!’ Lesley Cartwright, Speakers Secretary, St NEOTS U3A
‘The members certainly enjoyed your talk on Stanley and Livingstone, I got lots of very positive feedback.’ Pauline Hewitson, Speaker Secretary, ELY U3A
‘Thank you for your talk on Stanley and Livingstone. Everybody who I spoke to afterwards found it very interesting, and we had a very good attendance.’ Margaret Walton, Speaker Secretary WOKINGHAM U3A
‘As I am sure you realised, your talk on Stanley and Livingstone was massively well received this afternoon! It was informative, fascinating, illuminating and delivered with pace and wit.’ Jill Wilson, Speakers Secretary, PERSHORE U3A
‘Thank you so much for an exhilarating and entertaining talk on Stanley and Livingstone, which was enjoyed by everyone. The feedback has been excellent!’ Linda Evans, Speaker Secretary, WALSALL U3A
‘Thank you once again for your talk on Stanley and Livingstone yesterday, I had a lot of very positive feedback.’
Lynn Brinkworth, Speakers Secretary, BALSALL COMMON U3A
‘The meeting was well attended and the talk from Fran Sandham enjoyed by the audience. The amount of research he had done about the meeting of Dr Livingstone and Henry Stanley was incredible and very well presented.’ Tony Gray, Chairman, BOURNE U3A
‘Many thanks. It was a brilliant talk and much appreciated as you could tell by the length of the applause at the end.’ Ian Reid, Speaker Secretary, TEESDALE U3A
For more testimonials please see my website (under 'NEWS' tab)
Views: 1187 | Enquiries: 11Lecturer and freelance writer Fran Sandham is the author of the non-fiction book 'Traversa: A solo walk across Africa' (see, which was serialised in the Sunday Times.
He has written for many newspapers, magazines and travel publications, including the Sunday Times, NBC News, the Daily Telegraph, the Observer, the Financial Times, inflight magazines for KLM and Gulf Air, Adventure Travel, Traveller magazine, Travel Africa and Country Walking.
Fran has travelled in over fifty countries, and was an editor at Rough Guides for several years.
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