I do historical talks about George Brewster. George Brewster was an 11 year old 'climbing boy' who's death up a chimney in 1875 in a mental asylum in Cambridgeshire was the catalyst for a change in the child labour laws that changed the lives of children accross the land.
This talk is about my journey 'Finding George' and the shock that his story is largely unknown.. until now.
I will take you back to industrial Britain when child labour was the backbone of the industrial age. I will talk you through my journey and how George's story unfolded before my eyes. There's more to my project to get his name known and you'll be amazed at what I have uncovered and what is to come...
Views: 736 | Enquiries: 12I do historical talks about George Brewster. George Brewster was an 11 year old 'climbing boy' who's death up a chimney in 1875 in a mental asylum in Cambridgeshire was the catalyst for a change in the child labour laws that changed the lives of children accross the land.
This talk is about my journey 'Finding George' and the shock that his story is largely unknown.. until now.
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