Impossibly slender yet amazingly strong, these sentinels against the storm stand testimony to the engineering brilliance of the famous Stevenson family. How did they do it? Why did they? I speak as a mariner fascinated by how they were constructed in the face of storms and the surge of the sea. I was a navigator for nearly twenty years, many of them around the dangerous coastlines of northern Scotland. I know these light towers from a double perspective – from the sea and from the land. Assisted with an array of historic and original images I paint pictures in words to cast light on the fascinating story those brilliant Stevenson engineers and their elegant creations.
Views: 808 | Enquiries: 1Captain Simon Quail MA B.Ed Master Mariner
I have delivered fully illustrated talks in large lectures halls, meeting rooms and village halls, about Scottish Lighthouses, those amazing sentinels against the storm, about life at sea and about my travels around the world. I am most careful not to deliver death by PowerPoint...
I gave this talk as the monthly lecture for the Wellington Trust to a worldwide Zoom audience. To observe my delivery in action click on this link:
I am an Ambassador to the Wellington Trust. HMS WELLINGTON is the last warship of her kind surviving today and is on the National Historic Ships Register, no 502. I deliver the Wheelhouse Augmented Reality Computer Simulation to school children and visitors. I am a WELLINGTON Tour Guide.
I joined the Merchant Navy in 1966, serving as a Deck Apprentice with Elder Dempster Lines. This life at sea is described in another talk, based on my book, 'Gangway – A Life at Sea’ published by Racing Rabbit Press. This maritime memoir is available from me direct:
Travel Times Please note that travel times of over 1.5 hours is very demanding. One hour is better...I live 7 miles west of Horsham in West Sussex
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