Animal Testing & Alternatives

Rebecca Ram

Freelance/work for several organisations so this is TBC
Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
Unknown: To be confirmed via client organisation - please email me
22nd February 2022

This powerpoint presentation provides some facts and figures on animal testing. The types of testing carried out on animals. Which species of animals and how they are used. Alternative scientific methods and replacing animal testing with modern technologies. Why animal testing continues. A short quiz can also be included for interaction with the audience where appropriate. Short (15 minute) film may also be included Approx total duration 50 mins-1 hour, shorter if required. Time for audience Q&A as needed.

Views: 657 | Enquiries: 2

About Rebecca Ram

Hello. I'm a freelance scientific adviser. I've worked for the last 15 years in animal protection, specifically for scientific and NGOs who raise awareness on the need for alternatives to animal testing for both scientific and ethical reasons. Prior to this, I worked for a decade in the pharmaceutical industry on clinical trials for new drugs. I provide educational talks to on facts and figures concerning animal testing, as well as alternatives involving modern scientific methods. I'm pleased to speak to any audiences on this topic, given the increasing public interest on cruelty free products, drug research and the urgent need to improve the safety of new medicines and consumer products. The public is often surprised to find out that animal testing continues routinely and there is a strong interest in finding out more. I have until now provided talks in schools, sixth form colleges and universities but am glad to extend to wider audiences. Talks can be arranged as required and I will arrange with my client organisations who I may represent at the talk. Presentations are usually via Powerpoint and between 50 minutes-1 hour duration, possibly including a short (15 minute) film, but shorter talks can be arranged to suit, also either in person or via webinar/zoom, whichever is preferred. Please feel free to email with any questions or just a chat to find out more. Thanks and Best wishes, Rebecca

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