Scams - Trust No-one

Adrian Tayler SpeakerNet Sponsor

North West
Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
Paid: £50 donation to the Lancaster Grand theatre new foyer fund
Life Skills
18th January 2025

Scams are big business and booming - around £7 billion are taken from private individuals in the UK every year and far more from businesses and government. Older and vulnerable people are the villains' favourite target. I have been trained as a Scam Champion by National Trading Standards and my talk, which is regularly updated, covers face-to-face, post, telephone and internet scams, and what you should do to protect yourself from the crooks. The talk is illustrated with Powerpoint; I can bring a laptop and a projector.

Views: 1022 | Enquiries: 11

About Adrian Tayler

After a 40 year career as a scriptwriter and video producer, I am now heavily involved with the Lancaster Grand (Britain's third oldest theatre), where I volunteer backstage and also give theatre tours. Another interest is in thwarting scammers and I have been trained as a Scams Champion by National Trading Standards.

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