How do you put across the nuances of English to those who are still learning the language? The answer, happily, can involve lots of ‘communication comedy’. This talk shares experiences and insights gathered over many years and hundreds of people from all over the world. Together it makes for not only an entertaining look at life but also tells us lots about ourselves.
Views: 612 | Enquiries: 0Landscapes, history, travel, art and language – now that’s a set of themes to think about. If you’re curious, join me as we share insights and intrigues with some fascinating ‘explores’ of the stories behind everyday life. Always I aim to weave landscape, local and social histories with visible heritage in the present day. My talks aim to be fun, light-hearted and as interactive as possible. Often they come with added Antipodean perspectives as I’m Cheshire-born but Australian-bred.
I love speaking to all kinds of audiences. So far these have included history and heritage societies, cultural tours, garden clubs, community groups, WI, PROBUS, and U3A. A post-graduate degree and twenty years in the heritage sector have been stuffed with stimulus - excavating and interpreting archaeological sites, leading guided walks, putting on museum exhibitions. I’ve performed poetry at a convention in a Normandy village, and guested on regional radio. Further enjoyable encounters, this time with language and culture, came from teaching English to students from Spain to Siberia. Along with all that I’m a published writer with well over a hundred articles in periodicals from local to international. I live near mid-Cheshire’s scenic waterways.
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