Digital forensics - who is watching you?

Chris Truran

East of England
Notice Period:
Short (maybe less than one month's notice)
Part time speaker to organisations such as U3A / Rotary / WI
Expensed: £80 - £90 dependant on distance.
15th July 2022

This covers use of digital forensics to prove the guilt of criminals using imaging such as CCTV to catch criminals. An internet child pornographer captured using digital images he took of himself. Dealing with scam calls from criminals. How to triangulate the position of suspects using their mobile phones placing them at the scene of the crime. I cover hacking and how your data is harvested.

Views: 740 | Enquiries: 4

About Chris Truran

I joined the Metropolitan Police on 6th March 1975. I trained as a Scenes of Crimes Officer (SOCO). I worked in central, north and north west London. During my 38½ years I examined over 25,000 crime scenes ranging from Shop-lifting to Murder. When I started examining crime scenes DNA was in its embryonic stage.

I have 4 talks, (1) Dabs and DNA detects criminals (2) Every Contact leaves a trace (3) Digital Forensics - who is watching you and (4) a funny thing happened on the way to the Old Bailey. They all relate to aspects of forensic and fingerprint evidence used in crime investigations.

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