The Work of the Mercy Ships

David Kershaw

Yorkshire & Humber
Notice Period:
Short (maybe less than one month's notice)
Paid: £60 plus travel expenses outside South Yorkshire
4th December 2022
Medicine | Mercy Ships

This is a 1 hour talk/presentation about the work of the Mercy Ships organisation. It covers the geopolitical reasons why this work is required, the history and organisation of Mercy Ships, and case histories of the life-changing effects that the surgeries have.

Views: 891 | Enquiries: 5

About David Kershaw

Alan retired from a career in Anaesthesia in 2017, having worked in South Yorkshire for 25 years. During the last 10 years of that he worked with Mercy Ships International, volunteering short-term as an Anaesthesia Provider. This organisiation provides world class surgery without payment, for some of the world's poorest populations. He has recently (November 2021) spent time helping to outfit the latest vessel in the MS fleet, the MV Global Mercy, the largest purpose built hospital ship in the world.

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