Thames Barge

Tony Earle

TonyEarleEntertaining Talks
Buckinghamshire, Norfolk, Suffolk, Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Essex, London
Notice Period:
Short (maybe less than one month's notice)
Entertaining/amusing/audience participation
Paid: 90 Inclusive
30th November 2021

Whilst working in America I took up model boat building as a Hobby, on returning I joined a model boat club in North London.

They had a large number of model Thames Barges sailing them regularly at festivals of the sea and on ponds around the South of England. About once a month they met at the pond in the Promenade Park and held model barge matches of their own.

Whilst building the models I became interested in the barging generally, their use, trips and cargoes.

This talk is a snapshot of their rise and decline over the past 150 years illustrated with photographs and a model of the sailing barge ‘Squeak’.

Views: 785 | Enquiries: 3

About Tony Earle

Unfortunetly I have recently been unwell, OK now, but have decided to limit the area that I can cover to the north and east of London. I am sorry as I have met so manly great people in the wider south eastern area. Back to the 'nitty gritty!
I have been giving talks in the North, East and West Home Counties. since retireing form 'KODAK'. Remember that name, not everyone does now. My talks are suitable for all sizes of groups and clubs and I have held them in all manner of locations ranging from cinemas to village halls. All talks are general non-technical and interesting with pictures and video. They are delivered in an easy, relaxed and amusing manner which encourages audience participation.

I have a range of subjects some of which relate to my work and others my interests. With the Kodak, Thames Barge, Charity shops, pirate radio and Bus talks I bring a few artefacts. I bring along everything required, including a screen, if suitable equipment is not available to give an illustrated talk.

I have an all inclusive Fee, (no messey Travel Expenses etc.). Taking bookings for 2024/25/26 Leaflet available

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