An Amazing Princess

Mike Crew

Devon, Somerset, Dorset, Bristol, Wiltshire
Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
Amateur Historian Princess Louise: Jack the Ripper: The Great Exhibition of 1851
Paid: I would like £50 plus expenses of travel by car but this is negotiable for smaller groups
30th September 2021

I can gear talks relating to Louise to meet the numbers attending, time allocated and location. Unique memorabilia can be displayed and power point presentation can be used. Because so few people know much about her I am happy to have extended questions and answers sessions.

Views: 687 | Enquiries: 8

About Mike Crew

For over 23 years I have been researching and collecting memorabilia relating toPrincess Louise , Queen Victoria's 6th child. I have access to a large collection of her personal mail . One of the outstanding women of the late Victorian period. Noted sculptress and artist, Women's rights activist and educationalist. Wife of the Governor of Canada. Talks can be geared to your required length or can be serialised over a period. It is no accident that I have been investigating Jack the Ripper for the same period of time. My views on Jack are at variance with the majority. The 1851 Exhibition was the most outstanding event in this country during the 19th century and possibly the 20th.
Before retirement I was involved in Finance Services where my services were recognised by being awarded Fellowships of the Building Societies Institute, The Bankers Institute and the Institute of Directors.

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