Orang Utans, pitcher plants and orchids, clouded lepoard
Views: 656 | Enquiries: 0Former BBC Radio presenter and researcher for BBC Natural History Radio Unit for Radio Five 'Live' monthly programme "Wildlife on Five".
I am a Fellow of the Royal Geographic Society (FRGS) a Fellow of the British Naturalist's Association (FBNA) , a Member of the Institute of Travel and Tourism (M inst. TT) and for the past 20 years have been a guest lecturer on board cruise ships.
My subjects are: Wildlife and Environment Conservation specializing in Cetaceans - Whales & Dolphins, Large Mammals, Birds in your Garden and Climate Change and the Natural World. All these are based on personal experience as a professional safari guide in Africa, a whale watcher the Whale & Dolphin Conservation Society, Bird ringer with British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) and Ambassador for the BTO Garden Bird Watch.
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