North Yorkshire Rotters - the 3 R’s: ‘reduce, reuse and recycle'.

Jeff Coates

Yorkshire & Humber
Notice Period:
Regular (more than one month's notice)
17th February 2021

The North Yorkshire Rotters provide talks to community groups about the three R’s: ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’. The talks are free of charge and available to residents of North Yorkshire. We cover the topics of home composting, love food hate waste and recycling. We also discuss the new facility for dealing with North Yorkshire’s household waste (Allerton Waste Recovery Park). The talks usually last 50 minutes to an hour and we have a PowerPoint presentation that we provide. We are currently able to provide talks online via 'Teams'. Please contact the Volunteer Coordinator for further information. Many thanks.

Views: 1120 | Enquiries: 12

About Jeff Coates

The North Yorkshire Rotters are a group of volunteers that are passionate about waste prevention. We were formed in 2006 in Northallerton and have expanded to cover all areas of North Yorkshire. We provide talks to community groups within North Yorkshire about the three R’s: ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’. The talks are free of charge and available to residents of North Yorkshire. We are funded by North Yorkshire County Council and we cover the topics of home composting, love food hate waste and recycling. We also discuss the new facility for dealing with North Yorkshire’s household waste (Allerton Waste Recovery Park). The talks usually last approximately 50 minutes to an hour and we have a PowerPoint presentation that we provide. Our talks are currently available online via 'Teams'. Please do not hesitate to contact our Volunteer Coordinator if you are interested in one of our talks. Thank you.

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