Man with a Briefcase - Travels in an Oil & Gas world

Les Haswell

South West
Notice Period:
Short (maybe less than one month's notice)
Paid: £200 (Free to Rotary Clubs) + expenses
3rd June 2021

The Oil & Gas industry is a global industry and I have had the good fortune to be allowed to travel to many of the, more than, four corners of that world. From the high rise, smoked glass and chrome office blocks of Houston Tx and the spectacle that is Rio de Janeiro to the faded grandeur of Baku and the colourful cultures of North and West Africa.

My talk revisits my most memorable destinations and shares a lighthearted look at some of the "adventures" and experiences I have enjoyed along the way.

Views: 1095 | Enquiries: 0

About Les Haswell

Born and raised in Scotland now maturing in Hampshire. On leaving school, I completed a five-year engineering apprenticeship, hating almost every minute of it, except when I was getting up to mischief. I then found my niche in sales and began a career in selling a range of products and services. Along the way, I owned a taxi/private hire business later took ownership of a 50 cover licenced restaurant.
Since then I have spent much of my working life in various business development or management roles, mainly associated with the international oil & gas industry. I spent the last fifteen years of my career as a Business Development Consultant, advising and assisting small to medium-sized companies to build their markets and turnover. I organised industry events, looked after incoming trade delegations and took outward trade missions to various countries. My talk is a lighthearted tale of my travels and adventures along the way. Now semi-retired, I have taken to writing novels and last year, had my first one published, with a contract to deliver a second to the publisher I am a past President of my local Rotary and chair my local Parish Council.

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