An interesting talk about a very well loved & popular board game which I'm sure most people have played during their lives. It contains rarely known facts & information that was classified. This talk is approximately 30 minutes in length.
Views: 1005 | Enquiries: 1I am a retired Sport's Coach and quite an old biddy now. However, I keep fit, walk, garden - weather permitting and play ten pin bowls. Also look after my 98 year old Uncle. I started a Zoom session for my friends who were lonely during the pandemic and am still running it at present. I have just retired from running the North East Vasculitis Support Group and organising fornightly walks. I am in a Singing Group and keep their accounts, I also paint stones to raise awareness of D.I.P.G. a rare children's brain cancer. This charity is called Islastones Foundation.
I am a published poet and have also edited and published " A Book Of Poems To Make You Smile." Which was made up of humorous poems donated by some very talented people. I raised the money to pay for the printing and the revenue from the book has gone to Vasculitis UK.
I began giving talks in 2008 after my eldest son was diagnosed with a very rare illness as I wanted to raise awareness of it & hopefully by doing so save lives.
I have since added 3 more talks. The first "Andrew's Journey which contains overheads and is both serious and amusing. The 2nd "Nowt As Queer As Folk." is humorous and is made up of six short stories mainly about every day life - which people will be able to relate to. The 3rd "Not Just A Game." Is about a well loved, very popular board game and its history and the little known facts which were highly secret and covered by the official secrets act & how the game saved the lives of many men during World War 2.
The 4th "Rhyme & Reality" - This is my latest talk and is entertaining and informative.
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