Working for the Wireless -BBC Radio

John Burgess

Somerset, Devon, Dorset, Cornwall
Notice Period:
Short (maybe less than one month's notice)
Paid: fifty
9th February 2021
Broadcasting | Devon

My talk includes many memories, amusing anecdotes, colourful characters and 'behind the scenes' stories of making radio programmes. All gathered from over twenty years as a radio journalist and producer. I play audio extracts of interviews and well known programmes from the past.

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Views: 1040 | Enquiries: 4

About John Burgess

I was born in Somerset and grew up on the Quantock hills where my 'life long' love of the countryside first took root. This love has never left me. I have enjoyed a varied career including ten years as a graphic designer and photographer with the Exmoor National Park. The most unbelievable and thoroughly rewarding career change was joining BBC Radio as a freelance journalist and producer. Being part of the BBC, the great British institution that it is, was a proud and thrilling experience. Working on the national network was challenging but always exciting and I loved it. I also loved it when I joined BBC local radio in Devon and produced programmes about the countryside, farming and village life. Throughout my BBC career I have interviewed hundreds of fascinating people. I still can't hang up my microphone. I now work as an oral history consultant for various projects and with people who simply want to record their lifetime memories. During the past couple of years I have teamed up with a photographer friend to research, write and publish a series of guide books covering Somerset Devon and Cornwall. I have given talks for many years to groups large and small including W.I. Rotary and U3A .

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