Attracting Birds and Wildlife to your Garden

Roger Hance

Olympus Mentor
Notice Period:
Short (maybe less than one month's notice)
Experienced Nature/Landscape Photographer
Paid: £50
15th January 2021
Birds | Amphibians | Ponds | Gardens

This is a shorter 50 minute presentation, followed by questions at the end. I show some of the birds , mammals and insects that you may find in an average town or country garden . I show the best ways to attract a wide range of bird species, and also to provide a safe environment for them. It explains how growing the right plants can make a vast difference to the number of butterflies and insects you can attract. It shows that even a small pond/water feature can attract frogs, amphibians ,damselflies, dragonflies, as well as providing an area for birds to drink and bathe.

Views: 1104 | Enquiries: 13

About Roger Hance

I have been involved in photography for over 25 years. My main interests are Natural History and Landscape Photography. I have been presenting talks to various group/societies for over 20 years and I have a range of different presentations. I lecture to Photographic Clubs, Wildlife and RSPB groups, U3A Groups, Probus Groups, Gardening and Horticultural Societies and also WI`s. Presentations can be tailored to suit different groups - depending on whether a short 50mins talk is required or a full evening talk, this can be divided into two sections with a coffee break in the middle. Ideally I prefer to actually visit a society to give a presentation, but I am at present giving talks via the Zoom platform. This means I am now able to give presentations in any area rather then be limited to East Anglia and the North London area. I have recently given zoom presentations to groups in Wales, Scotland and Ireland. Details of all my talks can be found on my web site at

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