Motivation, how and why?

Geoff Mackey SpeakerNet Sponsor

Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
Thirty years experience speaking - academic, village, conference and after dinner audiences on topics as diverse as Communications, Ecology & Economy, Health & Safety, Motivation and Mole Catching.
Unknown: No fee but a charitable donation is requested plus travel expenses.
10th October 2020

Having worked in the public, private and third sectors, played American Football in the US, first class rugby in the UK, and been a plc board director for the last decade Geoff has stories and techniques to share and discuss…

Views: 879 | Enquiries: 2

About Geoff Mackey

Words to describe Geoff's life include ‘full’ and ‘varied'.

Geoff was brought up on a small family farm in South Armagh, N. Ireland. He runs his own consultancy; worked as a plc executive director, and as a trustee and non-exec advises a wide range of strategic and tactical groups in sectors including science, environment and education. He is a Rotary Service Above Self awardee, holds Fellowship of the IOD, RSC and IEMA and was declared the Forward Ladies, Male Agent of Change 2018.

Historically, he has been paid (occasionally working) as a bouncer (N. West), research scientist (mid Wales), sports coach (Midlands), bingo hall manager (N. East), HSE inspector (Yorkshire), bar manager (N. Ireland), PR adviser (Cambs), trainer (London) and ran his own consultancy (Shrops).

In his 'spare time' Geoff is a father with two teenagers; was a Commonwealth Games volunteer; an active Rotarian, well known as a speaker and entertainer; played rugby for Waterloo and Halifax; American Football in America and Australia; has sung and danced(!) with operatic societies; represented Breconshire at athletics; and is a published poet and writer.

He raises substantial charitable donations standing on his hind legs in public and talking…

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