Dark Light - The Flannan Island Mystery

Steve Robson

Fool's Gold
Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
Organisations, U3A, Wi, TWG, Probus Village Halls, Groups....
Paid: You Decide! Fee is at the discretion of the booking party.
28th September 2020

Dark Light for 2021:

As the current virus situation continues to develop, we have taken the decision to continue offering our online zoom show until at least March 2021.

The classic zoom show is still available, but for returning audiences a new show is required - welcome to ‘Dark Light’.

Dark Light is based on the true events of 1900 regarding the mysterious disappearance of three Lighthouse keepers from a remote island. The mystery is still unsolved until this day.

Or is it..?

The show features all the classic FG elements, a great story, fascinating visuals and of course live music to tell the tale. The music is a mixture of original and very well-known songs. A dark and mysterious tale yes, but there is still plenty of room for humour too!

At the end, you will be able to decide what happened based on the facts - and fictions - presented: turn Time Detective while you are entertained!

Each and every attendee at the event will also receive a download link for extra material at no extra cost An mp3 sound recording of the songs A booklet about the mystery, the songs and FG Access to further materials

The show is bookable now on the same basis as the 2020 show. You decide the fee and host, if we host we will be able to use more advanced zoom tools to further involve the audience.

To book please email info@foolsgoldacoustic.co.uk

Views: 1182 | Enquiries: 3

About Steve Robson

Fool's Gold are very experienced speakers - but with a big difference! Fool's Gold presentations are musical - live music, but again - with a unique twist. Carol & Steve Robson are acoustic musicians in the folk vein, and all our songs have hidden histories, mysteries and tragedies. in our show, we tell the stories of the songs - original and VERY well-known - backed by projected images, animation, and movies. Then we perform the songs, 100% live. We perform all over the UK (and beyond) for lots of groups and organisations, Village Halls, and the like. Currently, we are touring Village Halls and small theatres twice a year with our various programmes, and can still be available for your event.


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