A guide to Hypnotic Happiness

Karen Puttick

Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
Life Skills
14th August 2020

Over the last few years there has been a huge amount of research into the science of happiness. The dictionary defines it as “a state of well-being characterised by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy” and “emotions experienced when in a state of well-being”, but it is so much more than that.

In this talk I explore the Science of happiness. What is happiness; what affects our happiness levels; how can we raise our base levels to be more optimistic and resilient?

I share simple techniques to raise happiness levels in a practical, realistic way.

Where appropriate I will also include a short explanation and demonstration of Laughter Yoga.

This presentation can be adapted for 20 minute to one hour slots.

Views: 1037 | Enquiries: 1

About Karen Puttick

My presenting experience is wide and varied, including presenting for 2 consecutive years at the UK Hypnosis Convention, several company away-days, a construction industry convention, at major networking events and seminars and online.

My passion is enabling people to apply their imaginations in a practical way to facilitate positive changes in every aspect of their life. I assist clients with either very specific health or emotional issues or general life imbalances. A major part of my practice is built around teaching clients to actively imagine how things would be different if specific changes were made, and enabling them to make those changes real.

For around 30 years I have taught meditation and guided visualisation. Several years ago this led me to create Fairyland Parties and my alter-ego The Fairy Godmother. I stopped offering the parties some years ago, but self-published “The Fairyland Party Manual” to enable parents to run their own.

I also worked for some time for the mental health charity Buckinghamshire Mind as their Employment Support co-ordinator, enabling people to remain in or return to the workplace after experiencing mental health issues.

My Father was a hypnotherapist, so I have used self-hypnosis since my teens, and I have trained as an Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist, Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner, registered with NCH, GHR and CNHC.

The way I work is coloured by over 30 years experience as a holistic practitioner offering a broad range of other therapies. For many years I have enjoyed offering workshops and have presented to both adults and children, covering a broad range of interests including hypnosis, use of imagination, holistic health, change management, skills for the workplace, and stress management.

I have professionally recorded a number of relaxation and hypnosis CDs including “The Fairy Godmother’s Sleep CD” and “Freedom from Exam Nerves” which are specifically for youngsters.

Writing is a great joy for me and I have self-produced several books including – “Freedom to Sleep” and “Mini Motivations” which I use in my practice and always receive great feed-back.

Having studied The Science of Happiness and trained as a Laughter Yoga Facilitator, I have become known as "The Hypnotic Happiness Coach", and have presented workshops and talks around happiness and laughter.

My other hat is that of a Civil Funeral Celebrant, which is not so far removed from the rest of my portfolio as you might imagine.

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