Planes and Boats and Trains

Brian Margetson SpeakerNet Sponsor

South West
Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
Semi Professional
Paid: £50 to £90 depending on distance
26th January 2023

Join me and celebrate two hundred years of scheduled channel crossings to continental Europe. Let me tell you how the execution of a ferry captain helped turn the world against the Kaiser in WW1. Discover how a breakdown in simple communication led to a major maritime disaster. Prepare yourself for a captivating account of how commerce and enterprise resulted in no less than six different technologies being employed in order to grab some of the action of this lucrative transport market. Only the fittest survive, now there are just two means of getting abroad. Find out which technology has outlasted all of the competition.

Views: 1046 | Enquiries: 2

About Brian Margetson

Having spent my career designing buildings, but have now semi-retired. I have always been fascinated by mysteries, and tales of discovery.

I also love business, and the unique blend of economics, sociology and commerce it brings together. Above all, I enjoy social history, industrial archaeology and architecture.

I enjoy giving talks and strongly believe any subject can be fascinating if well researched and presented. In order to widen the potential number of audiences I speak to, I am constantly researching and preparing new topics. I like to think my talks can appeal to a wide variety of audiences. I have been giving talks on a variety of subjects for 30 years.

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