Medical Detection dogs

Harold Palmer

Medical Detection Dogs
East Midlands
Notice Period:
Short (maybe less than one month's notice)
Free: £50 or whatever the group can afford
13th April 2020
Assistance Dogs

I talk about dogs that can detect cancer in sweat, urine and breath samples in a very accurate way, The other half of the charity trains dogs to live with individuals who suffer sudden collapses with no or very little warning, giving them time to get help.

Views: 1131 | Enquiries: 18

About Harold Palmer

I am retired and talk on Medical Detection Dogs. They are wonderful animals the work in a bio detection centre in Milton Keynes sniffing urine, sweat and breath samples to identify whether persons have cancer or not. The also work on other diseases with high accuracy results. The ultimate aim is to copy the dogs nose in a small handheld machine in every doctor's surgery. Other dogs are taught to be with owners who collapse with no warning through life threatening diseases. These dogs can save lives by giving the owner 15 minutes or so of warning of impending collapse. The charity relies on public funding alone and these talks make people aware. The charity asks for a £50 donation.

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