'A Garden Plant Pest Questions and Answers Session' (option to ZOOM)

Dr Ian Bedford (Norwich, Norfolk)

Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
Paid: £85 - £120 depending on distance. Mileage negotiable (Zoom £80)
8th November 2023

This event comprises of an informal Plant Pest Clinic for Garden Clubs and Horticultural Societies

The event involves discussing plant pest issues with the audience and examining specimens and photos that can be brought along to the event. I will have a microscope and magnifiers as well as a selection of common plant pests for the audience to look at.

I truly believe that there's always options for dealing with garden pests that don't involve using broad-spectrum chemical pesticides. All garden life has a role to play in the ecosystem and most invertebrates that we consider as being plant pests are often the vital food source for other creatures. Sometimes though, these plant pests get out of control and their numbers need to be reduced without harming the other creatures in the garden. Lots of very simple procedures are available to do this as well as many, often new products that have been designed to deter pests from plants rather than kill them. I explain how these work and will have examples for viewing.

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About Dr Ian Bedford (Norwich, Norfolk)

(Usually available to provide ZOOM Presentations at very short notice)

I have been fascinated by insects and other invertebrates for most of my life.

Starting out as an Amateur Entomologist, studying and conserving butterflies on the South Downs, I went on to pursue a professional career as an entomologist. For over 42 years I undertook plant science research at the John Innes Centre (one of the UK's leading research centres), where I became Head of the Entomology Department. Retiring from my life as a Research Entomologist, I now continue with my love of entomology through a wide range of public engagement activities.

I not only talk to Garden clubs and Horticultural clubs on various insect (bug) - related subjects, but hold Plant Pest Clinics at Garden Centres and national flower/garden shows. However, the content and any views expressed during my talks are my own and do not reflect those of others or any organisations.

I'm also often called upon by the media to speak about topical bug issues and have appeared on popular TV shows such as Gardeners' World, Inside Out, Tonight, Horizon, BBC Breakfast, the A to Z of TV Gardening, The Great British Garden Revival and even Harry Hill's Alien Fun Capsule show on ITV.

I also have the great honour of being the Resident Entomology Expert for BBC Radio Suffolk and Radio Norfolk and also have a weekly feature on Toby Buckland's BBC Radio Devon Gardening Programme which he calls, 'The Entomologist Entertains'

Please Google 'Ian Bedford Speaker' for links to more information on my work and activities. Also, my availability can be seen on my 'Talks for Garden Clubs' webpage

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