This is the story of Nurses and Surgeons who served on the front line in the Great War 1914-1918.
We tell the compelling stories of a number of these Heroines and Heroes, such as Edith Cavell, Nellie Spindler, Noel Chavasse and John McCrae.
We talk about QAIMNS, VAD and FANY nurses.
Also, the treatments and procedures developed by these extraordinary individuals and how they pioneered the direction of the whole medical profession today.
Views: 1378 | Enquiries: 2Having retired from a career in IT and Business Project Management, continued to build up a strong knowledge and interest in Military History. Working with a friend, Mick Byrne, we have developed a compelling passion for WWI history. We visit Belgium/France each year to research our WWI interest. We’d like to share our stories with Groups. It is the background and stories of the Events which receive our (and hopefully your) attention.
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