Bolsover Castle through the Ages

Ian Morgan

Notice Period:
Regular (more than one month's notice)
3rd January 2017

From its humble Norman beginnings this magnificent castle has developed into a beautiful shadow of its former glory. The present 17th century castle stands as a monument to the Cavendish family who lavished money and love on their ‘Pleasure Palace’, leaving as their legacy a romantic ruin and stunning paintings within the ‘Little Castle’.

Views: 1453 | Enquiries: 3

About Ian Morgan

Ian Morgan was born in Chesterfield and has lived in the locality all his life. From an early age he became captivated by the intrigues and history of England’s colourful past as well as having specialist knowledge of crime and punishment from times past. He is a published author on historical and crime subjects and has made many appearances on radio in that context. These include articles for BBC Sheffield, BBC Lincolnshire, BBC Nottingham and BBC Derby and many more.

As well as giving guided walks around historical locations he also spends much of his time travelling the country giving illustrated talks and lectures to groups. Ian also gives his time to English Heritage to act as a guide at a number of their properties, primarily Bolsover Castle in Derbyshire. His writing goes from strength to strength and he has now quite a following.

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