Clare Hollingworth War Correspondent

Ken Bryan

East Midlands
Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
Free: 60 to 100
16th October 2019

Clare as young and untried stringer for the Daily Telegraph was awoken as dawn broke in the Polish town of Katowice by the sound of tanks rumbling past her window. It was the 1 Sep 1939. The Germans had invaded Poland. She reached for the phone and thus became the first to report the invasion. The next day Neville Chamberlain announced a state of war now existed....and Clare embarked ob a long career as a War/ Defence Correspondence

Views: 1170 | Enquiries: 4

About Ken Bryan

Now retired, I have enjoyed researching and delivering Power Point stories with a history bias to my U3A history group. This led to talks to Probus, Rotary, Lions, Brit Legion and Wi. Donations in lieu of a fee I donate to Alzheimers Resarch UK. My talks have been well received which now encourages me to join Speakernet and , so to speak, spread my net too.

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