Seen as a mixture of hero and bandit, Lampião (Virgulino Ferreira da Silva) became one of the most representative icons of Brazil. His image is still seen all over Brazil, in Art, Music and Film some 80 years after his death. The backlands of North-Eastern Brazil had little in the way of law and order, even the few police in existence were usually in the pocket of a local "Colonel" - a leading landowner who was also a regional political chief. The poor badly treated by the paramilitary police would often prefer the presence of bandits over that of the police.
Views: 1436 | Enquiries: 0I was born in 1950 and a member of the "baby boomer" generation. Married since 1976 with 2 sons I retired in 2011 after 32 years at Sheffield Hallam University. A degree in Physics from Bradford University led to jobs in various Research Associations (British Glass Research Association, British Iron & Steel Res Ass, Cutlery & Allied Trades Res Ass, Safety in Mines Res Establishment, Metal Box Plc) before settling down at Sheffield City Polytechnic - later to become Sheffield Hallam. I have been an amateur astronomer since age 10 or so. I also have a keen interest in history, a recreational wargamer (playing with toy soldiers!). and an interest in genealogy. Have been giving talks on Astronomy, Science, History and associated topics since retirement.
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