An Englishman’s England, Constable Country

Peter Amour

Peter Amour Photographic Presentations
East Midlands
Notice Period:
Short (maybe less than one month's notice)
Presenter of travelogues, with the character & histories of the areas offered, speaking to WI, Ladies Groups, Probus, history societies etc
Paid: £45-00 plus travel costs, quoted on being contacted to enquirer's location
31st July 2023

A journey around quintessential Suffolk and Essex showing the wonderful character of their towns, villages and coastal areas. Of course, some of the images shown include the location of the Hay Wain which were visited by the great English artist John Constable. During our visits to the Suffolk coast we engage with the tiny but enchanting River Orwell harbour of Pin Mill and it’s red sailed Thames Barges

Views: 1257 | Enquiries: 3

About Peter Amour

An enthusiastic, experienced photographer delivering fine illustrated talks about various locations inside and outside of the UK. My aim is to enlighten and entertain audiences with details of the character, characters, nature and history of the listed regions offered.

Living in Mid Derbyshire I offer presentations of approximately 1 hour, and provide all equipment necessary (PAT tested), I just require a suitable mains supply.

My fees are £45-00 per talk up to an audience of 70people. Travelling costs of 40 pence per mile. Full costings quoted to enquirers on being contacted.

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