This talk is audio visual presentation taking the audience from the earliest evidence of man keeping bees thorough the fascinating biology and advanced behaviour of the highest form of insect life we know. Right through to modern day beekeeping and how that honey gets onto your toast.
It lasts for approx 1 1/4 hours plus questions but can be broken in the middle for a tea break if required.
Views: 1439 | Enquiries: 14Hi I have been a hobby beekeeper for many years and talking about them for nearly as long. I have kept bees in observation hives actually inside our house and made unique video clips included in my talks.
I have presented to beekeeping groups and the public alike all over the country and overseas but these days prefer to stay local in Leicestershire and Rutland. Mostly talking to local clubs such as Gardening clubs and similar that want a general overview on the craft.
I use a PowerPoint containing videos and graphics to make an entertaining mix of content with no tedious text reading.
If you are interested in this talk and wish to contact the speaker, please complete the following form: