We are familiar with: "Remember, remember the fifth of November. Gunpowder, treason and plot."
Most people believe Guy Fawkes to be the brains behind it but he was just a hired hand. It was a complex plot brought about by the history of the previous century. There is far more to it than Guy Fawkes and a few barrels of gunpowder. The talk explores why it happened, what happened, who really made it happen and (briefly) what made me research this event in our history.
Views: 1615 | Enquiries: 7After 25 years flying in the RAF as a navigator I found myself running a training company for airline pilots after doing a favour for a friend.
My wife has a lavender business (I am the tractor driver) and when she opened a shop which was too large for her sole use I closed my training company and took the spare half of the shop to indulge my passion for selling antiques. My wife and I give talks on the history of lavender, growing lavender and how it is used (see Lavender and Co) and this, together with being a trustee of our small but beautiful local museum and a love of antiques and history, has resulted in me giving number of talks on a variety of historical subjects.
The RAF trained me to instruct and I just love presenting the subjects I care so much about.
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