Mobile DJ – With over 45 years working as a DJ in functions around Scotland this is a chat on what makes a good night, the crowds(West vs East), deaths, murders and marriages that happened over the years. Venues that are gone, sometimes planned others that burned down after a gig!!
Hospital Radio – Having managed Radio Grapevine for around 12 years this is an insight into what goes into running what is a full function radio station. The stories of long and short term patient listeners, the happy ones and sad. The roadshows to raise awareness and the celebrities that helped
Commercial Radio – one of only 400 people who have won a Commercial Radio licence in the UK this covers five years working to get a licence and five years broadcasting on local radio – the music, the stalkers, the characters
DJ – Basically a summary of the three above.
Views: 1914 | Enquiries: 3After 35 years in the financial/IT sector Jimmy has now retired.
For 46 years he was a successful DJ covering mobile, hospital and commercial radio and is one of less than 400 people to be awarded a commercial radio licence in the UK.
He continues to work in the charity sector and now offers talks and workshops that fall into two interconnected headings - Work and Life.
Work - With almost 35 years working for Lloyds Banking Group Jimmy has extensive experience of managing and motivating colleagues. For the last 12 he was part of a team of 5 that managed over 1,000 project managers delivering the IT portfolio at LBG.
Life - Jimmy is a firm believer and advocate of work/life balance and his life stories reflect this. These include mobile DJ, Hospital and Commercial Radio, entertainment and riding a Harley Davidson. He hosts regular charity malt tasting nights and auctions, amongst other events.
His talks cover all these aspects of his life and can be adapted for the audience. Jimmy only charges for professional engagements.
Talks have been provided for the Army, NHS, Blind Veterans UK,, Edinburgh Dental School, Carillion, Rotary clubs, Probus, U3A, Soroptomists, Erskine Veterans, Masonic Lodges and Church Guilds and groups
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