Judith Morris

Details of talks given by Judith Morris

Northamptonshire, Leicestershire, Warwickshire, Buckinghamshire
Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
Online Talks:
Yes, group must organise

The younger version of Judith would have run a mile from the idea of public speaking. She most certainly could never have envisaged enjoying it and actively seeking out bookings.

In 2007 I had a real bolt from the blue moment when I realised that I absolutely was meant to become a declutter coach. My life up until that point had been all about rather dull administrative roles. I did a few trial runs with friends and one kindly got a feature in the local newspaper for me. I got one phone call as a result and the woman who rang asked if I gave talks! The rest as they say, is history.

I now realise that what formerly held me back was my chronic anxiety, limiting beliefs, and inner critic, all connected to my upbringing. I describe this as 'head-clutter' and now use what I've learned about myself to help my clients. These realisations have informed my Life-Changing Decluttering talk.

I am an enthusiastic and energised speaker and tackle challenging topics in an honest but light-hearted way. I have been on the WI speaker listing for Northants for several years now and hope this gives you confidence in my abilities.

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Northamptonshire, Leicestershire, Warwickshire, Buckinghamshire

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