New features at SpeakerNet

17th April 2023

We’ve been working hard to introduce new features to the SpeakerNet platform, to make the site more efficient, easier to search and as an improved platform for things to come in the future.

Lift Off

Including this new blog!

  • Improved security on login and enquiry forms to cut down on spam
  • Latest secure code base
  • Improved speaker search
  • Better styling to make more use of wider screens
  • Blog page to keep you up to date with the latest changes

You will see additional features being introduced to the platform. At the current time we have over 940 speakers covering 3900+ topics – we appreciate finding the right speaker can be a challenge. New features will be added to make this task more satisfactory.

In this section you can find additional news articles aimed at Speakers (willing to speak) and Speaker-Finders (looking for a speaker).